So, I finished the snow-cone barf Christmas stocking, but I haven't blocked it yet. Hence, no pictures of it. I also finished the navy blue socks for my Dad (after almost completely frogging the first one because of THREE split stitches) and mailed them on time. I'm now working on some socks for my brother out of Tamarind Flavoraid dyed KnitPicks. Ain't it purty????? It really is a lovely rosewood color. That would be 4pks of Flavoraid to 1 skein Wool of the Andes.
I also dyed 2 skeins of Lana today with food coloring and lime juice. Yes, lime juice. My best friend has a BIG aversion to vinegar, so had to get the acid in there somehow. Btw, lime juice really messes with food coloring colors. One of the skeins looked grapish in the dye bath, but dried as fuschia. Not the color I was aiming for. So, I brought it home and overdyed it with straight blue and vinegar and it's now the lovely grape I was aiming for. No pictures yet. The other skein is a light golden yellow, but I had to leave it there. *sigh* It was a 5-year-old's birthday present (along with a knitting loom), so I couldn't exactly steal it.
Projects lined up now are a pair of crotch-gusseted shorties (hopefully) out of the grape Lana, more Christmas stockings, some winter-weight soakers out of some clearance Patons Upcountry, and a felted book bag for Tucker out of all these koolaid dyed skein ends.
Just half a sock left ---- to go in the mail tomorrow!!! (Along with the other 1 1/2 sock)